Design, implementation, application, and validation of bioinformatics tools for omics data analysis in cancer research

Currently, there are various methods to extract information from gene expression data obtained through experiments like microarray or RNA-Seq, for example, ranging from purely statistical methods to artificial intelligence techniques. Our goal is to generate knowledge from these data by combining both areas, supported by a molecular biology group that provides different needs stemming from real-world problems related to cancer, and that also validates the consistency of our results.


Head: Jessica A. Carballido


  • Jessica Carballido – ICIC (UNS- CONICET),
  • Silvia Castro – ICIC (UNS- CONICET),
  • Rocío Cecchini – ICIC (UNS- CONICET),
  • Lucía Fernandez Chavez – (Farmacia),
  • Alejandro Curino – INIBIBB (UNS-CONICET),
  • Maria Marta Facchineti – INIBIBB (UNS-CONICET),
  • M. Luján Ganuza – ICIC (UNS- CONICET),
  • Marilina Mascaró – INIBIBB (UNS-CONICET).
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